There is a lot of uncertainty within Idaho and what we might be able to expect for our summer sporting schedules. With the cancellation of all high school spring sports, the need for our players to have a legion baseball season is very important. Unfortunately, there is a lot that we are not certain of yet.
American Legion Baseball has made the decision to cancel all National and Regional Tournaments. While this is a very disappointing decision for everyone, the reason behind this decision is understandable. You can read more about the decision here:
What this does do for us is it allows us to have some flexibility with our local schedules, assuming we are able to play this season. We can make adjustments to our start and end dates because we will not have a fixed end point for events outside of Idaho. It also allows coaches some flexibility with practice days in order to ensure that the boys are ready for competition. The cancellation of the high school seasons means that these athletes are not transitioning to legion already actively participating in games. It may be necessary to add some preparation days prior to resuming game play. It is important to keep players safe and healthy.
We are optimistic that we will have a season, but it is important to wait until we have confirmation from the State before making any changes. Please check back here or follow one of our social media platforms for updates. We will share information as soon as we know more.